ANDRE's strategy results directly from the knowledge of the market, recognition of customer expectations and the experience itself as a producer. The implementation of the assumptions contained in the company's mission - a favorable ratio of product quality to its price - in relation to the products of the competition - is behind ANDRE's success.
Work at the grassroots
Over 35 years of experience
From the beginning, ANDRE has relied on an honest, secure market strategy. Working from the ground up, based on the assumption that "a good quality product at a good price" is always the right option for the customer. A plan that will defend itself in the market. ANDRE confirms every day, that it is right.
The company focused on the diversification of recipients - the production of tools for various markets. The wide assortment goes to the automotive industry, bearing industry, machine builders, tool manufacturers and railway construction.

Opportunities taken
EU funds
ANDRE is also very active in the matter of support from EU funds for the development of business contacts under independently developed projects.
EU grants for the development of business contacts under the 2014-2020 edition
Intensification of export activities of ANDRE ABRASIVE ARTICLES Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. in foreign markets" (WRPO 1.4.1 - 2015-2017))
EU grants for the development of business contacts under the 2013-2017 edition
Export - a strategic goal for the development of the company" (Innovative Economy POIG 6.1. - 2009)
Leader as a consequence
Constant development, new contractors
The daily "Puls Biznesu" has been confirming for many years that ANDRE belongs to the elite club "Gazele Biznesu" - the most dynamically developing Polish companies. The activity on foreign markets was also appreciated and so ANDRE received in 2010 the title of the Ambassador of the Polish Economy awarded by the Business Center Club in the category of "Partner of Foreign Companies".
Today, the company has a good competitive position, it can safely invest in cooperation with partners in selected areas of industry that are stable, dynamically developing or promising development in the near future.